Friday, October 30, 2009

Advice from Chris Brogan, Next Level of Blogging, Willingness

Willingness to learn is a quality I admire and thanks to Erika Dreyfus' Practicing Writer Newsletter, my mind had food for thought. Taking it a step further, when I  reflected on the section of Erika's Nov. 2009 Newletter authored by Chris Brogan, I became anxious to pass the information along to you. Find the complete article at Here's a summary of what resonated with me:
  1. clarify goals for blogging
  2. be honest about purpose
  3. deliver original material that's simply put
  4. keep personal subjects and useful ideas or information in balance
  5. use social/networking tools and skills to catapult your blog to the next level.

Happy adventures in blogging everyone and ponder the quote for today.

"Uncertainty is a sign of humility, and humility is just the ability or the willingness to learn." Charlie Sheen


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