Friday, June 29, 2018

Summer Means Time for Reading

Whether you have a chance to get away on a vacation, or are sticking close to home, the books you read this summer have the ability to take you on amazing journeys. 

Why not feast your eyes on a book that’s set in a place you’d love to see? Perhaps you'd like to reminisce and let a book carry you back to a destination or time you’ve visited in the past.

This may be a season when commitments at home prevent travel to a distant land. You still can experience a new destination through the pictures painted by a favorite author. 

To stimulate your imagination and help you take flight in book form, look at the quotations that follow to put you in the mood to read more this summer.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go." — Dr. Seuss

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ― Henry James

“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair...” ― Susan Polis Schutz

“Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers.” ― Ray BradburyDandelion Wine

“Come with me,' Mom says. To the library. Books and summertime
go together.” ― 
Lisa SchroederI Heart You, You Haunt Me

“Even so, there were times I saw freshness and beauty. I could smell the air, and I really loved rock 'n' roll. Tears were warm, and girls were beautiful, like dreams. I liked movie theaters, the darkness and intimacy, and I liked the deep, sad summer nights.” 
Haruki MurakamiDance Dance Dance

“They are embossed on every song that was a hit that summer, in every novel I read during and after his stay, on anything from the smell of rosemary on hot days to the frantic rattle of the cicadas in the afternoon—smells and sounds I’d grown up with and known every year of my life until then but that had suddenly turned on me and acquired an inflection forever colored by the events of that summer.” 
André AcimanCall Me by Your Name

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
Stephen KingOn Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Books introduce you to new ways of thinking, as well as exercise your mind. Studies show that when you make reading a habit, it helps improve memory by giving your brain a work out. 

A book I know well, helps reduce stress, relax you, and improves your outlook. It uses color themed exercises, affirmations, journal writing, and reflection to help you discover new things about yourself.

The book is Colors of Joy: A Woman's Guide for Self-Discovery, Balance, and Bliss.
Order it now to enjoy a woman's self-care journal that makes great summer reading!

What's your favorite type of summer reading? 
Do you make reading a habit throughout the year? Please comment below and happy summer reading.

Updated July 1, 2018 to share that Babs Hightower interviewed me. Read the author interview online

Yahoo! I'll be releasing the 2nd Printing of the self-care journal "Colors of Joy" in October and I would love it if you'd read the Author Interview at Babs BookMark Magazine.

Before you go, I'm giving you a heads up. I'm taking a break from this blog for a few months. I'll continue to blog at Colors 4 Health, and invite you to visit me there. đŸ’—

This post has been shared at thursday-favorite-things

This post has been shared at Happiness is Homemade #227 Link Party


  1. Hi Nancy,
    Summer is a great time for reading. I do find reading inspiring. Although I do my reading a little different - I use a Nook audio reader and love setting down and actually listening to the voices of the characters. Have a healthy, happy & blessed July 4th holiday. Happy Summer!

    1. Many people nowadays us electronic readers and I understand why they are so popular. I'm an old fashioned girl and love to hold the book in my hand. LOL. Both are fun ways to do more reading. Wish you a blessed day.

  2. Nancy,
    I love the idea of summer reading about far away places that you might like to visit. As I am getting older and have more eating concerns, I feel like traveling less . Reading about interesting places is a good substitute- thanks

    1. I sort of feel a similar way. Thanks for the visit and happy imagination travel. Be well and have a beautiful day.

  3. I've always loved to read, a wonderful hobby instilled from my dad. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Nancy,
    Thanks for stopping by Happiness Is Homemade. Not sure why you could not pin the features. I was but then again it is on my site. Sorry about that. I love reading but don't wait for summer. I am one of those that likes a book in my hand. I got 5 books to take on our vacation. Not sure if I will get them all read, but need to have extras just in case. Enjoy your time off.
    Happy reading.

    1. Thanks bev for the visit, comment, and hosting your terrific blog party. Yahoo. Love to read, probably as much as you do and have a pile of books on hand at all times. What's your favorite genre? Mine is literary fiction and memoir. Also love to work in journals, as they are such a fabulous self-development tool.

  5. Hi Nancy- I just read your exciting interview- It was so nice getting to know more about you and your philosophy about life and your books!-

    1. Thanks Judee. Glad you paid me a visit. Just catching up with comments at this blog-even though I've taken a break from posting here. Have a yummy day and be well.

  6. I'm a big reader and love this post. A good book can take you to the other side of the world or to a world in a writer's mind.

    1. So true Carol. Books can transport us all over the globe or open us up to an author's perceptions, ideas, and insights. LOVE to READ!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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