Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Invite to Colors of the Chakras Workshop

You're Invited to

Restore Balance, Joy, and Vitality with Colors of the Chakras

Where: The Seasoned Woman, the Williams Center, 5460 E. Broadway Blvd., Tucson 85711

When: Thurs. April 19 between 5-6 PM.

Why: Have Fun as Nancy Andres Shows You Ways to Use Colors from the Chakras to Heal and Balance Mind/Body/ Spirit.

Nancy Andres’ Workshop is Complimentary, and Seating is on a First Come First Serve Basis. It’s best to call the Seasoned Woman at 520-745-5942 to confirm.

See COLORS OF JOY: A WOMAN’S GUIDE FOR SELF-DISCOVERY, BALANCE, AND BLISS. It helps women explore relationships, nourish secret longings, and find ways to attract more joy into daily living.

Purchase an autographed copy at the workshop for yourself. Make gift-giving easy too. Give Colors of Joy as a happy birthday, graduation, or thinking of you gift to all the women you care about. 

Every Chapter in Colors of Joy starts with a Full Page Color Illustration

See more of Nancy Andres’ work at https://www.nancyandreswriter.com

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  1. Nancy,
    I love your opening to this post- "If you're anything like I am, you want to continue to breathe fresh air, drink pure water, eat uncontaminated food, and live free of toxic chemicals, pollutants, or worry about global warming and the legacy we are leaving for generations to come."
    You would think that everyone would feel that way and want to take care of our earth. Thanks for the helpful tips and great remimders

    1. Thanks Judee. This comment was listed for this post by blogger, but I believe you meant it to go with Tips to Heal the Planet and You at https://obloggernewbie.blogspot.com/2018/04/tips-to-heal-planet-and-you.html. Thanks for the visit and please come back again.


Please comment and ask questions. I love to hear from you. If you need to reach me via email, email at obloggernewbie@gmail.com