Thursday, August 25, 2016

Exercise Improves Mind and Body Health

Isn't it wonderful? More and more research is pointing to the fact that there's a direct correlation between aerobic exercise and brain cell health and even cell regeneration.

Here's a new report for you to see. Brain Cell Health and Aerobic Exercise

I'm grateful I spotted this study. It encourages me to keep up with my exercise routine. I love to get out there for aerobics in a natural setting. I never have been one to go to a gym for treadmill walking. My preference is to commune with mountains, flora and fauna, streams, a river, or sea. Time flies as I hike and walk outdoors, probably because there's so much of interest for me to see.

What's your take on the study and what motivational techniques work for you to keep you active and vitally alive? 

Which kind of aerobic exercise do you enjoy the most? Swimming, biking, hiking, Zumba, walking, or running rev up your engine and improve blood flow to the brain. Exercise is good for your whole family, so plan times when you all will be able to get outdoors for fun and health.

 My quote for the day is: "Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. " John F. Kennedy

Your feedback and sharing a link to the post is greatly appreciated. Please comment in the space provided below. Don't forget to click publish after you're through. 

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  1. HI Nancy,
    I agree with you totally that physical activity is so important for good health and being in Nature makes it extra special. I feel a sense of peace when I am surrounded by Nature and all her beauty. I like to walk and I practice Tai Chi periodically. I also like to go to a local park where they have a very large lake when possible and walk around some of the trails. Sharing.

    1. Thanks for the comment and support. Wish I lived closer to water, although up in the mountains that circle Tucson there is water. Glad you walk in nature too. It's so uplifting for the body, mind, and spirit. Hugs, Nancy

  2. That's good news for those of us in the, er, advanced aging segment of the population, yes? I'd like to see them do a study of Boomers and see if it holds true in humans, wouldn't you? But how would they know if we'd managed to generate new brain cells? And I'm most curious about the neuroplasticity. Do our brain cells get stiff, much like our limbs? That's a curious idea, isn't it?

    1. Interesting comment Kathryn Grace. I think the way the human body works is fascinating and it's up to us to take good care of ourselves. Here's a link from the National Institute of Health that answers your question about what happens to the brain as it ages.


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