Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It's Your Life Magazine Online: Great Ideas for Wellness

It's Your Life Magazine Online: Great Ideas for Wellness 

I want to share my excitement about It's Your Life Magazine, an online resource that features articles, recipes, projects, products, and ideas to help you enhance the quality of your life. 

Natural living topics like health enhancers, organic gardening, organic food, healing with herbs, powerful reasons why journaling is good for the soul, and effective methods to nurture mind, body, and spirit are provided in the Oct.-Nov. issue just for you.

The Publisher, Joyce Wheeler Presents Oct-Nov 2015 Issue

In this issue, she writes. "Discover the health problems with electronics which give off electromagnet fields, how they affect our health, and what to do about it. Please subscribe. It's free and get bonuses. Every 2 months you'll be offered a new paperless edition to your inbox.  Here's the link to sign up. Subscribe to It's Your Life Magazine."

The quote for today follows:
"The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind." Paracelsus

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Share Good Food & Make New Friends at the Plant-Based Potluck Party Link Up #66


  1. Hi Nancy,
    I am always on the look out for great healthy living resources to read so I am delighted that you shared It's Your Life Magazine with us on the Plant-based Potluck Party. I appreciate it and I'm so glad you are partying with us. I'm pinning and sharing.

    1. Thanks Deborah. Fun to be partying with all the fabulous bloggers who are on board at the Plant-based Potluck Party. Have a great week. Nancy A.


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