Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blood Moon, Kids' Health, Relaxation and Rest

Today my blog is a potpourri of topics. Here what I'm thinking of right now.

Number 1. 

I care about the children and people in our nation and am saddened that by 2050, studies project that 1 in every 3 Americas will have diabetes.

Watch this video and tell me whether you are concerned about this important health and wellness issue too. What do you think we can do about it? I welcome your ideas.

Epidemic in America

Number 2.

I'm glad a lunar eclipse is in the offing for Monday, April 14th. Mars will be big and bright, and this first total lunar eclipse in more than 2 years will be visible from all parts of the U.S. To learn why it's been called a blood moon eclipse by some, click on the link below.

Will you stay up to watch it, and do you know there will be three more lunar eclipses this year? That fascinates me.

Blood Moon Eclipse

Number 3.

I have to admit to you, dear readers, and myself. I need to re-lax. I have been going full steam ahead all week and my fingers are sore from working their magic at my computer. That's why this blog is shorter than usual.

Before I sign off, one last thing. Here's the quotation for today. It's from Sydney J. Harris. It's one I'm taking to heart.

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.


  1. Informative video. Thanks for posting.I am concerned also. People like you spreading the word through blogs and newsletters is one way for change. Another is to be a good role model in order to influence friends and family.

    1. Thanks Marianne C. for commenting. Yes, communication is key. It's great that you reminded me about walking the walk. Actions often speak louder than words!


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