Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Aging Gracefully and Website Building is not in my DNA

Image by Shutterstock/Jonathan Feinstein

Why this photo, you may ask? It is clip art of the cross sections of many trees. Slicing the tree this way and counting its rings is one way foresters and botanists use to determine the age of each tree.

I chose it today, because I was born before the computer came into its own and feel like an old-timer in many respects. Today, I am reflecting about the rings that circle my core. There is a ring I earned as I learned to navigate around the Internet. Several others appeared as I shifted gears three times to keep up with my word processing programs. My first computer came with Lotus, but I moved on to Word Perfect, and now use Word. I've gained computer skills, since I started blogging in 2009, and am excited I've learned lots of things about health, nutrition, the mind-body connection. food, travel, and a green lifestyle.

There are other rings that have penetrated my core from experiencing the tragedy of 9/11 at my home on Long Island, in New York. Then, there are those rings that signify the journey my husband and I embarked on as we traveled from the shores of the Atlantic (shortly after the World Trade Towers' attack) to the desert southwest.

Twelve years have past since then, and other rings have been added. Time, people, and experiences have become part of the thread I used to weave the sturdy material my life has become. Everyone I have known and everything I have lived through has contributed to making me more of the person I want to be.

Nonetheless, I have gotten along very nicely without a website. Now, with the late fall publication of my new book, I have felt a need to have a website. Unfortunately, Website building is not part of my DNA.

I have looked at several free or almost free website builders and found articles like the one listed below helpful.

One site not listed above is Weebly @ www.Weebly.com. It seems simple to work and their templates looks cool. I emailed them two days ago with questions, but so far they haven't gotten back to me. Does anyone have experience using them? Please let me know.

Now, it's your turn. Please share information about only those Website builders that are compatible with a PC. Tell me which ones you have used. liked, and explain the reasons why. Feel free to email obloggernewbie@gmail.com.

If you have no opinion on Website building sites, perhaps you'd rather tell us about the changes or rings you've "grown into" in the last few years.

As for me, I'm happy to be the age I am right now, loving life, and exploring Website building.

The quotation for today is:

The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.  ~Bill Gates

P.S. If you're interested in seeing more images by Jonathan Feinstein, view his portfolio at:   http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-10776p1.html

P.P.S. The following was written 5/23/14
My woman's self-care journal, Colors of Joy: A Woman's Guide for Self-Discovery, Balance and Bliss wasn't released in the fall of 2013. Wouldn't you know it? Technical problems delayed its release until March of 2014. Also, I went with Webnode instead of Weebly. That worked out the best for me.

This post has been shared @

Live It Up at the Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Party Blog Hop #26


  1. I've not used free website builders, and have chosen to have a webmaster instead. Right now I'm looking at getting a re-design for a website landing page only. I think that most of the time folks are just wanting to know how to get in touch with me, although I do enjoy doing an occasional blogpost. I keep active on LinkedIn (professional) and Facebook (personal), and have my LinkedIn posts double as Tweets. I've recently done a Google+ Hangout on Air presentation; it was fun! Good luck to you!

  2. Hi Nancy,
    I can totally relate to what you are saying here! I enjoyed your post so much because I was more of a creative than a website designer and developer when I first considered having a website. After spending thousands of dollars and too many hours on too many classes including web design, HTML, CSS, PHP, web development, Photoshop and many more, I discovered Word Press and I am glad I did. It is not just for blogging either. There are Wordpress themes and templates to meet most web site builder's needs. I have a Wordpress blog and I love it. Let me clarify that I have taken some WP classes online and I still don't understand how to make all of the changes that I want to on my blog, but it is much easier than standard HTML web sites. I tap into Facebook groups and Google + groups to ask questions and find solutions. One free website builder that I have heard about is WIX.com. I have heard good things about it, though I have not used it personally. I am so delighted that you shared this thought-provoking post with us at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop! We appreciate it!


Please comment and ask questions. I love to hear from you. If you need to reach me via email, email at obloggernewbie@gmail.com