Monday, January 2, 2012

Availability, Giving of Myself

The quote for today is: “The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.”

Today I am determined to rededicate myself to expanding my horizons by looking inward for personal growth, insights, and learning. The start of a New Year creates space for me to set an intention to be more fully available (emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, energetically) to myself and others than I was able to be last year.

Upon reflection, I surmise that in order to move forward toward this goal, I may need to practice non-judgement, kindness, gratitude, and living in the moment. Let me tell you why...

My default setting for new adventures is, at first, fear. With non-judgement, I can acknowledge my feelings, check to see whether my fear is justified, and/or consult with a trusted friend to hash things out. With kindness, I can be gentle with myself and others in any situation, as I encourage us along. With gratitude I can appreciate progress and recognize the power inherent in learning by trial and error. By living in the moment, I can truly honor myself and those I interact with, by planting my mind, heart, attention, and energy into the soil of whatever I am involved in. Here are some ways I've thought to work on this.

  1. Do only one thing at a time.
  2. Plan for one day at a time to reduce the "doing too much" syndrome.
  3. Listen to my secret longings, dreams, and preferences when determining time-choices.
  4. Deal with minor irritations before they turn into explosions.
  5. Consider others' needs, but don't forget to focus on my priorities.
  6. Laugh at myself and lighten up.
  7. State boundaries directly and simply, without attachment to another person's reaction. 
  8. Refrain from offering advice to anyone who doesn't ask for it.
  9. Reserve time and energy for exercise, relaxation, spiritual pursuits, and fun activities.
  10. Practice flexibility by being willing to regroup, re-frame, recycle, or shelve.
  11. Act only when fully cognizant about my motives.
  12. Appreciate all my blessings and acknowledge the wondrous gift of being vitally alive.  Happy, Joyful and Serene New Year!        In Peace and Health, Nan


  1. Great post Nan! Love your list and I may have to "borrow" a few of these for myself.

    Best wishes for a successful 2012!

    Ripple On!!!

    1. Thanks much Mr. Ripple. If you do use my ideas on the internet,don't forget to mention my name and blog address. Wishing you Peace & Health in the New Year. Nan

  2. I find myself wondering what MY default for new adventure is. Spontaneity is immediately what comes to mind. Just do it! Then afterwards there are sometimes regrets. Sometimes it's fabulous, and I've found that if I think too much I may not act at all. Fear and the "I should haves" or the "not alloweds" kick in. The next word that comes to my mind is balance. That may be a key. How do I determine when to jump off the cliff, or to look over it first to see if there's a safety net?

  3. I suspect that if you keep on checking-in with yourself, you'll discover what is right for you. Hang in there girl!

    In Health & Peace, Nan


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