Friday, March 5, 2010

Life Happens, Blogging on back burner, Motivation

I've noticed as I age, time rushes ahead much faster than it did when I was a youngster. And two quotes about time resonate with me today.

"We must use time as a tool, not as a couch." John F. Kennedy

"Time goes, you say? Ah, no!

Alas, Time stays; we go." Austin Dobson

Much has been happening in my personal life that required time, energy, and attention. Thankfully, my schedule is flexible and I took the time I needed to care for my recuperating spouse, attend to home management items, and still fulfill my commitment to myself to work on my memoir. Self-care routines like cooking nourishing meals and exercising beat out blogging.

Well, here I am back at blogger. Happy to have the few moments to spare and glad I blog only when I want to. What freedom!

I've noticed that some bloggers lose interest in one blog and move on to other things. Are there any out there who want to share the "Why" this happens? Please comment if you can. I'm curious as to why one would put the effort into blog set-up and posting and cut it loose, without an explanation (well, that's what I think, when I see a blog that doesn't have a closure statement).

Until next time...

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