Blogging adventures up close and personal
Early this morning I discovered how to change the template colors on my blogspot (my last post mentioned that I didn’t care for the green that was in my original layout). By clicking the tab on layout in the dashboard and clicking again on font and color, I replaced the green. When I was through making my choice, I clicked save. Whee. What a relief.
I also figured out how to drag and rearrange individual portions of this blogspot. (my host's address is provides help articles, user discussions, and forums. Blogger is a free blog publishing tool from Google. So get ready world….even though I feel like I’m in blogging Kindergarten, I’m determined to go for a blogging spin.
What were your first experiences learning something new (it doesn’t have to be about blogging) and how did you overcome obstacles to learning? Please let me know.
In Peace and Health, Nan
The Blogger help forum helped me a lot. By trying to help other new bloggers I also learned, when I looked for answers for them.