Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Walk with Me in Tucson

I moved to Tucson from the east coast in 2001 and am thrilled I did! During the winter months of December, January, February, and March, I breathe easy and appreciate not having to shovel snow or walk in slush.

Here in my city, one that's surrounded by majestic mountain ranges, I dash out for a hike or walk in a sweater or light jacket, sweats, and my athletic shoes or hiking boots. I'm good to go.

On one day's hike, here are a few things I saw. This beautiful Palo Verde Tree.

I also saw a saguaro, prickly pear, and basked in the beauty of a perfectly clear blue sky.

On to another day, as I strolled along in Downtown Tucson, I saw this vista. It's a picture that captures one area of the city, showing one section of the Catalina Mountains in the background.

On the third day I saw this humongous figure on the University of Arizona Campus. Isn't it a neat sculpture?

On the fourth day I saw this...

It's a decorative screen gate in front of a residence. I love the scroll work. Tucson is home to many exceptional craftspeople, iron workers, and metal artists. I don't know the name of the artist of this one, but I love it.

No matter where you walk or hike in Tucson, there are interesting or beautiful things to see. Walking is a cheap exercise that can even be thrilling. All you need are a good pair of walking shoes, comfortable clothing, a sunhat and sunglasses, some time, and an adequate supply of water to keep hydrated.

Do you walk outside for exercise, entertainment, to run errands, and/or to learn about new places and things? Please share your comments about that with me below.

Walking is one of my favorite pastimes. Even when I'm grumpy at the start, breathing in fresh air, a change of scene, and mild temps lift my spirit and energize me. 

Walking grounds me to mother earth, gives me a sense that my Higher Power is with me, and introduces me to new sights. Walking also refreshes my perception of places I've visited before.

Walking often calms an overactive mind. 
Walking allows creative juices to flow.
Walking reduces stress and relieves aches and pains from sitting.
Walking briskly gets blood pumping and lungs oxygenated.
Walking without a specific destination in mind is a way to stay present and live in one moment at a time.
Walking outside provides a dose of natural Vitamin D from the sun, and is an element that helps prevent depression and promotes sound sleep.

How often do you walk outdoors and what tricks or tips do you use to get yourself going? At times, I need extra motivation to stop what I'm doing to walk. You know, those sticky times when I'm glued to my seat at my computer, and think I have too much to do and too little time. 

Please comment below with motivational ideas, tips, tricks and comments about walking. How many of you readers have ever visited Tucson and how many of you are locals? Sure would love to know more about you and your willingness to exercise outdoors.

My parting picture is of cowgirl Nancy A, outdoors at Trail Dust Town. What a hoot!

The quotation for today is:

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." Audrey Hepburn. Read more at: brainyquotes

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